Jack's story

Read about Jack, who's 14 years old and adopted.
Please note: We've changed names and pictures to protect the identities of the adopters and children.

My name is Jack. I’m not great at putting my thoughts on paper but my mum has written down what I’ve said to help me tell a bit of my story.

I first found out I was adopted when mum told me on our way home from an adoption group camping weekend. I liked those times.

I remember the first time mum showed me my Life story book. She read it to me because I couldn’t read at all then. Little by little I found out why I had been adopted and what had happened to my birth family. My mum was always careful to make sure I was ready to hear things, so she didn’t tell me everything all in one go.

I’m glad I’m adopted, because if I was fostered I would be jumping from family to family.
Teenage boy in the woods with hood up

My birth dad has never had contact with me. I think this is because of the life he suffered. My birth mum stopped sending me letters when I was 10 years old. It upsets me a lot. I don’t know why.

School is another thing. At times I have been picked on because I’m adopted. Some kids don’t get what it means and how it hurts children who are adopted such as me.

My mum and dad have really tried to help me with everything and they care about what happens to me and make sure I get what I need. I’m glad I’m adopted, because if I was fostered I would be jumping from family to family. That would make me sad, but I was lucky because I didn’t have to go through it.

My life is perfect as it can be because I’m adopted. It feels like they’re my real parents as they take brilliant care of me and they are the best I could ever have ended up with.

Make an initial enquiry

You can make an initial adoption enquiry through Adopt East.