Gemma and Craig's story

Read about Gemma and Craig, adoptive parents of Ryan and Riley.
Please note: We've changed names and pictures to protect the identities of adopters and children.

After unsuccessful and traumatic IVF treatments, we saw an advertisement about an adoption open evening in the local newspaper. This turned out to be a well-run and informative event, with real adopters speaking about their experiences. We immediately registered our interest and our adoption journey began.

It felt strange being assessed as potential parents but the social workers explained the process every step of the way. We had to attend training workshops with other prospective adopters where we made some great friends with our fellow adopters; we obviously had a lot in common.

Once we were approved, it was then a question of waiting for the right child for us. We had confidence that, having got to know us both so well, our social worker would help us to identify the most suitable child and so it proved –a profile of a young boy, Ryan, was sent through to us and he felt ‘right’ straight away!

Following lots of meetings and another panel, there finally came the moment we actually met him, without doubt the most nervous we have ever been in our lives. What if he didn’t like us? Or worse, what if we didn’t like him?! Thankfully, after some initial awkwardness on both sides, we shared a fun couple of hours, overseen by the social workers. Over the course of the next week, we were gradually introduced more and more into Ryan’s life before finally taking him home with us.

Adoption enabled us to become parents when we didn’t think it would be possible.
Couple with two boys and a little girl in bed
Gemma and Craig

So began our parenthood, one of sleepless nights, worrying about everything and nothing, life turned upside down in a good way. Like every other parent. Which is the great thing about adoption – it enabled us to become parents when we didn’t think this would be possible. Our love for Ryan is total and unconditional.

Once sufficient time had passed for Ryan to become integrated into our family, we applied to become adopters again and are now lucky enough to have 2 sons, Ryan and Riley. We still keep in touch with our local adoption service – they provide annual summer and Christmas parties for all adopting families and are always available for advice and guidance. We also holiday annually with the friends we made on the adoption workshop, all of whom now have children of their own.

We would recommend adoption to anyone, it has given us the joy of parenthood, twice over, when it wouldn’t otherwise be possible!

Make an initial enquiry

You can make an initial adoption enquiry through Adopt East.